The Proton Group has fulfilled our recycling and recovery obligations for the 2017 compliance year through Valpak Limited as required by The Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regul…
The Proton Group has fulfilled our recycling and recovery obligations for the 2017 compliance year through Valpak Limited as required by The Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste) Regul…
In the current climate we all know how important it is to ensure business is running effectively and efficiently to ensure the bottom line. Ticking over has little shelf life, it’s important to main…
Proton are pleased to announce the latest update of the Proton App to now include new Keg and Cask Beer Problem Solving guides as well as a dedicated Glasswash Problem solving guide. The app is for us…
Cask beer is a wonderful product full of a variety of tastes and aromas, a great testament to the skills of the brewer, but being an unpasteurised living product it needs the skills of the licensee to…
There is no greater disappointment after a hard day than to sit down in the pub for a refreshing pint to find that something is not right. Some poor flavours are caused by the brewing process and as a…
There are many, many ways you can contaminate your cellar and cause a contaminated serve and we all know that nothing is going to taint your profits like a tainted serve. Don’t risk kissing goodbye…
Proton are excited to introduce a new way to order 2 months of cleaning chemicals, the Bi-Monthly Bar Clean Basket. Packaging enough beerline cleaner, glasswash detergent, rinse aid, renovate and cel…
Have you heard about Proton Direct Summer Sale? For one month only Proton Direct will be slashing online prices of Beer Line Cleaning & Cellar Hygiene and Glasswashing & Bar Hygiene produc…
Cafes, coffee shops, food markets, restaurants, fast food chains, bakeries, the list of places to grab a bite to eat goes on and on. If you are a food serving premises your menu needs to be all…